Md. Jawed Ahmed
Experienced IT Professional based out of Kolkata in India.

Steel Alloy Manufacturing : Use of Linear Programming Techniques

August 2021

Steel Manufacturing operations are very good candidates for the application of Linear Programming Techniques. Especially for calculation of Charge Mix for arriving at the most optimum input to give the best output.

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Chip Shortage: How we ended up here

August 2021

We have been hearing of the Chip Shortage for the past 8 months or so. Its started affecting the Car Production world over. Unlike the cars of the 90s…the cars today use computers extensively.

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IT Integration : Why is this critical in M&As

Technology Integration is a challenging issue when two companies merge. Irrespective of the size of the companies involved, if the integration goes wrong then by the time one realises the error, its too big to correct and the day-to-day operations cannot afford the disruption that is required to set it right.

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Project Disha at Omniactive Health Technologies

August 2021

The SAP implementation journey at a small manufacturing firm in Mumbai.

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Phone Chargers: Which is a good one?

August 2021
Smartphone USB Chargers

In the last few years the charger pins of the mobile phones have become standardised to a large extent. Today you have two kinds of chargers which cover almost 60-70% of all phones. The Android ones use USB-C and the iOS ones use Lightning connector. The new technologies bring along with them the enhanced capabilities […]

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